Monday, July 18, 2011


This morning I was so sore that it hurt to stand after I had been sitting for more than 5 minutes.  Needless to say, I sent Mr. Muscles a text message today telling him that my thoughts of him were not very nice.  So I was hoping that we would do arms today because I was so sore...but No!  I started out with 300 abs while holding a 15 pound weight under my chin.  Good times.  And then I did legs.  Lots and lots of legs.  I was mad the whole time but now I'm home, I'm not sore anymore. 

Damn you Mr. Muscles for knowing what you're doing! HAHA!

I'm feeling pretty good about all of my workouts (despite the grumbling) and feeling pretty good about my eating.  Mr. Muscles and I discussed that later this week we are going to take some measurements.  I've been working out with him since May 30th, so this is the beginning of my 8th week.  He took measurements before I started so it will be interesting to see what I've lost so far, pounds and inches. :)

I don't go back to Dr. Hoehn until the first week of August and I can tell I'm ready for another fill.  I can eat what I want (within reason) which is good, but I'd like to lose weight a little faster.  So I'm excited for that to happen. 

And I've officially started my Hawaii countdown...54 days and counting before I'm on a plane! And I'm excited about the changes that are happening to my body and looking forward to strutting my stuff on the beach! HA!

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