Monday, July 25, 2011


I've had some serious workouts, some early mornings and a bad weigh in since I last posted.  First the workouts:

Friday morning I went to the gym at 5am again!  It was so long ago I don't even remember what I did.  How sad is that?  I do know that I came home and fell asleep for about 30 minutes because I sat down.  So now I know...after an early morning workout I just need to shower and go to work because sitting = sleeping.  Saturday morning I got up and had a killer workout! I did an hour of cardio...half on the bike and half on the elliptical.  I did almost an hour of arms with Mr. Muscles.  And then because I hadn't been tortured properly, I did 45 minutes of abs with Greg! Oh my! I need a new nickname for Greg...maybe Mr. Abs?  Because that's how I'm going to spend my time with him. 

Because I have a great aunt in the hospital, I decided that if I wanted to spend time with her in the evenings, I need to work out in the morning.  So this morning I was up and at em at 4am again! I decided to work the elliptical again.  It feels a little better on my knees.  Then we did legs for 45 minutes.  I did just 200 crunches since Mr. Abs wasn't there.  But as I was walking out, he was walking in and tried to talk me into coming back in and working out my abs with him.  I told him he was crazy! But that if he got there a little earlier tomorrow morning, I'd do abs with him.  I guess I'm a glutton for punishment! :)

Then when I got to work I decided to weigh myself.  And I've gained 4 pounds.  WTH??  Seriously?  I gained 4 pounds?  I've worked my butt off for the last two weeks and this is what I get in return?  So I texted Mr. Muscles that I weighed, I gained and I was very unhappy.  He instantly called me and asked me why in the world I would weigh myself after a workout?  I said...because it's Monday morning and I like to weigh on Monday's.  And he said no one should weigh themselves after a workout.  I didn't know that.  I guess muscles retain water after a weight training session.  And I had a few cocktails on Saturday night which will make me retain water also.  So he said I shouldn't have done it.  And tomorrow I'll weigh before my workout and see what the scale says. 

He said I shouldn't focus on the scale, but instead how I look, how I feel and how many inches I've lost.  So maybe when we take my measurements this week I'll feel better about my progress, but right now I'm pretty bummed. 

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