Thursday, November 10, 2011

60 pounds...with pictures!!!

Ok.  First I'll say I'm sorry I haven't blogged in weeks.  Here's my schedule and you'll understand why:
Monday- Friday I get up at 3:58am.  I leave the house at 4:30 and get to the gym 5 minutes later.  I work out until 7:00am.  That's 2.5 hours.  Sometimes, depending on how many abs I have to do, it's even later.  I come home, shower (sometimes), eat breakfast (always) and start work by 8am.  Oh yeah, and I started a new job so I get to work from home; hence the "sometimes" about showering! :) 

I work until 5ish.  Then on Monday's I tutor at the City Union Mission for an hour.  Tuesday's and Thursday's I work at my old job for 4 hours each night.  Wednesday's I have bible study.  So there isn't a night I get home before 9pm.  Then I have to get up and start it all over again.  Saturday's I do a good 3 hour workout and then it's finally time for socializing with my friends.  Sure...I chose all of that and I love it.  But it means I'm tired.  Therefore, I don't blog. 

But I do have something to share:

I have oficially lost 60 pounds. 

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that.  60 pounds.  That's an 8 year old!  My highest weight was the beginning of May.  Then I had to do that liquid diet, then I had surgery.  So we'll go with May 1st as my highest. 

It's been 6 months and 1 week.  Wow. 

Here's what I looked like 6 months ago:

And here's what I look like this week:

That's a pretty big change right?  And I'm finally....just now...seeing it in my own mirror. 

And the other benefit?  My knee feels better!  Oh my gosh!  What a difference the weight loss makes.  I'm looking forward to the day that I've lost more weight and the knee has no pain.  Sure...I doubt I'll have no pain.  But minimal pain sounds amazing. 

My workouts are going incredibly well.  Mr. Muscles is incredibly happy and very proud of me.  And I am of myself.  I'm lifting every day for at least an hour.  I'm doing major cardio - 13 miles on the bike and 2 or 3 miles on the elliptical; every morning.  I'm not losing weight as fast as I'd like to be, but I'm getting so much stronger that I'm gaining muscle weight.  No, I don't want muscle weight now, but when I'm thinner and I want shape, the muscles will make me happy. 

My eating is going well.  Especially working from home.  After that one piece of chicken really got me, I've been paying much closer attention to what I'm eating and how fast I'm eating and how much I'm chewing.  I have noticed a little more restriction with breads, which sucks because I love bread.  So it's also a great thing since I love bread! 

That's my update.  I have set a goal of another 15 pounds by New Years.  It's a pretty lofty goal, but one that I hope my body will adhere to.  :)