Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And I'm home...

What a day it was today.  Arrived at the hospital at 6am for my 7:30 surgery.  I remember being wheeled into the OR but I don't remember anything else.  :)  After leaving recovery and getting settled in my room for the morning I realized how much pain I was in! I wasn't prepared for it.  I have 5 tiny incisions with staples, not stitches.  And it's those staples that hate me. So I ended up staying all day at the hospital instead of just a few hours. 

I am very grateful to a nurse named Kim who last week told me that the doctor injects alot of gas into my abdomen and although they try to remove it all, some will be left over and it will cause me back and chest pain.  And she was right.  If I hadn't known that, I'm sure I would have freaked out that I was having a heart attack!

But now I'm home, feeling okay, and amazed I did it.  What a dramatic life change.  I thought about that for a few minutes this morning when I had my IV in and was alone in my pre-op room and it brought me to tears.  My old life is over.  My new life has begun.  It's exciting, but right now, way more scary. 

I'm tucked into bed at home with a bottle of water and my lortab pain medicine to take at 11pm.  Thank you to everyone who emailed and texted and called me today and yesterday to wish me luck and send prayers my way.  Because of you, I had the strength today!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Glad it all went so well and I hope the pain subsides quickly!

