Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh my aching arms...

Holy Toledo my arms are sore! I said on Saturday that the burn felt good.  I lied.  HA! I was in the car with my mom tonight and when I turned a corner, I barely moved my arms and she laughed at me! I told Mr. Muscles on Saturday that I needed to be able to wash my hair.  I'll just say that was quite a challenge this morning.  And after tonight's workout, I don't think tomorrow morning will be any easier!

My workouts are going well again, even if I'm not doing any hard core cardio yet.  And my eating is okay.  I can probably eat more than I should so I can tell I'm ready for a fill in the band.  When Dr. Hoehn placed the band, it was empty.  The lap band can have up to 11 cc's of saline.  As I get more saline put in, the more restriction I have.  So right now I definitely have restriction, but not as much as I need.  The good thing is that I'm making better choices.  Mostly because I want to, but there is one thing that has changed and I'm not too happy about it.

Diet Coke doesn't taste the same.  I don't understand!  It used to make me very happy and now it tastes kind of flat and uninteresting.  :(  How could surgery change my taste buds?  I don't know, but it did.  So it makes me worry about root beer.  For those of you that know me, I L.O.V.E. Barq's Root Beer.  It's like heaven in a glass.  The thought of it makes my mouth water and lifts my spirits.  And I don't have it very much.  Not because I don't want it all the time, but because it's so many empty calories that I don't allow myself to. 

So here's my dilemma...what do I do?  Do I have a glass now and see if it's changed?  And then if it has, I'll know.  I'll be sad, but it will be better for me in the long run because it will be one less craving.  What if it hasn't changed?  Then I drank some again and it will be so good and I'll be craving it even more! UGH! 

It's 9:00 and I'm going to bed.  Depriving myself of the root beer, even if it doesn't taste the same anymore, is depressing me. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you know, is there a place with this magical soda in a fountain? If you are worried about limiting yourself, you could just put a cup or so from the fountain into your to-go cup. then leave the establishment before you try any of it. That way, if it is delicious you cant just got refill, but you can be happy that it still brought you joy. OR, if it sucks then you havent wasted too much on it. :) Just a thought. I say try it. If its crap, then its crap. I dont eat a lot of fast food, cause i like certain things. I let myself have a dairy queen cheeseburger the other day, because i needed a pick me up= its been so long, and something was different, but that cheeseburger was crap, and nothing to what i had built it up to be. Which is excellent! Thats one less fattening food that i have to worry about calling my name. :)
