First thing this morning I called Dr. Rapley to tell him my knee is a big ole mess. They made me an appointment to see him on Wednesday afternoon so all day I walked around with my knee out of place...until 3pm when I was walking down the hall and it just popped right back in! I was starting to get nervous about my workout tonight, but my body must have known so it gave me a little help.
I had my first workout this evening. It was really good! I really do like Mike...or as I'll be calling him...Mr. Muscles. I got there and Mr. Muscles put me on the treadmill to get my heart rate up. I walked for 10 minutes at a 2.4 and didn't have my heart rate up enough so he bumped me up to 2.8 and I walked another 30 minutes. After 40 minutes of walking, I got off and started on some weights. Because of my knee issues, I did some ab work. Then I did some leg work, but back of leg muscles so it wouldn't hurt my knee. And then I finished it off with 20 more minutes of cardio. So all in all it was a good workout! I can do alot more than Mr. Muscles had me doing cardiovascularly and weight wise so tomorrow I hope he pumps it up just a little bit.
Tomorrow is more of the same? Totally different? I don't know! But I'm excited about it!
Well being your first workout its probably good that he didnt push you to your limits. Dont want to wear you out for the rest of the week. :)