Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Losing Weight...

I'm losing weight again.  How much?  I don't know.  And I'm not going to look.  But I know I'm losing weight because I wore a skirt yesterday that I couldn't wear a month ago. 

I hate the scale.  But I love the scale.  Don't we all feel that way?  What a fantastic day when we show a great loss after working our tushes off, and what a miserable day when we don't show a loss and we've been working our tushes off.  I don't want to be ruled by something like that anymore.  I'm already ruled by my blackberry...I don't need another gadget taking charge. 

I have an appointment with Dr. Hoehn in two weeks to check on my status since my last fill.  I think I'll leave my band where it is and not have him make any changes for a few months.  I have some pretty tight restriction.  I have some difficulty with some foods but I'm still doing well.  And I like it.  It's a good spot to be in. 

So at that appointment, they'll weigh me.  And then that's it.  I won't weigh again until it's necessary.  And really, when is it necessary?  Oh, I guess when I set a goal and want to see if I make it.  Hmmm...that's simple.  None of my goals will be numbers based.  

What should my next goal be?  Wow...what a hard thing to decide if it's not a number.  (I'm sitting here strumming my fingers on the keyboard while trying to come up with something, but my mind is blank.)

Everything I come up is a fitness goal or a motivational goal.  But then I finally came up with one - the other way to really measure weight loss is by inches.  So my new goal - to lose 2 inches off my hips.  I've never really been into those numbers so I have no idea how long that will take me to do, but after my doctor appointment in 2 weeks, I'm not going to weigh myself until I lose 2 inches off my hips.   

No weighing...only measuring.  We'll see how long this lasts. :) 

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