I don't do a very good job of eating. I'm hungry all the time. I don't eat enough. I don't eat often enough. And I can tell. I should be losing more weight and I shouldn't be as tired as I am. I'm at work almost asleep at 6:15pm because I have only had two chicken strips from ChickFilA today. All day. And about a half of a Diet Dr. Pepper.
I need to plan meals better. I can no longer be up in the air about what I'm going to eat and when I'm going to eat. I was worried before I had the surgery that I would struggle eating certain foods. I had no idea I would struggle eating in general. I've been on diets before where it takes so much concentration to eat healthy that it is no longer fun. But I've still eaten. I've never just stopped eating.
So for all of you out there that I see on a regular basis, please help me eat. I've been working out on an empty stomach, I've been going to sleep on an empty stomach and I'm not eating in the mornings. I am often asked how I'm doing and I say I'm great, but tonight I just needed to be honest.
I feel better putting it out there; asking for help. I have the exercise part down, now I just need to get my eating stable.
Email what you are eating. I can give you some ideas. Now are limited on what you can eat? Hang in on the scale not going down when you think it should. When I was doing my transformation and even training for my show, I noticed my body would hold onto the weight and then the next week weigh in I would drop a pound or two. I have learned to accept that my body is stubborn sometimes. ;)