2 weeks before surgery my doctor is having me partake in a full liquid diet! Don't get me wrong, there were definitely a few weekends in my early 20's where I had a full liquid diet...but that was for fun!
The reasons I've found online for the liquids:
1. To shrink the liver so it's not in the way during surgery
2. To reduce visceral fat around the stomach to make surgery easier
3. To reduce fat around the spleen
The real reason:
To make sure you are dedicated enough to this life change. If you can't handle this craziness for 2 weeks, how can you handle the craziness for the rest of your life?
Well...I am pretty sure I'm dedicated. I'm writing a check for $12,000! If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.
So here I am, on Day 3 and feeling good. A little hungry, but okay. I'm sure next week will be a totally different story! But we'll see...
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